This product will be personalized as you tell us through picture(s) and or the wording you have entered when you purchase this wonderful personalized product. You will received a proof, please remember your email. Note Picture(s) are sent email to Printed pictures are sent by mail. Email for the address and instructions.
We use Quality high gloss tile. These tile are resilient and scratch resistant and give you a perfect photo representation. We dye these tile rather than print on them like some companies do, so our tile is rated as kitchen safe so can be used in a backsplash, trivet, cheese tray or and decorative use. There are so many ways to use these beautiful tile: inset into a jewelry box, trivet in either a wrought iron or wood frame. There are pencil holders, urns, pictures and table tops that all use these beautiful tile. Use multiple tiles to make a mural. This is a can't do without item.
Note send your picture / JPEG to and the minimum size for this product is 1 megabytes. Higher is better. If you have an older printed picture, send us an email and we will send forwarding instructions.
Note: If possible, we photo restore at no charge.